Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Law in Effect in My County

This past Friday, July 1, Palm Beach County enacted a new anti-tethering ordinance considered a victory for local animal rights groups - and a major victory for many dogs and other animals that tend to be left outside all day in the scorching Florida heat.

The ordinance prohibits the tethering of animals at any hour of the day or night if not directly supervised by their human. It also includes a new requirement for outdoor shelters, which now must be at least 80 square feet and must never exceed more than 85 degrees (F) inside. Sounds reasonable to me.

Unfortunately, there are many groups that are against this new ordinance including some local hunt clubs. The hunt clubs state that it will cost too much money for them to bring their outdoor cages up to code (since they can no longer just tether the dogs outside unattended) and thus, they believe that hunters will start abandoning their dogs. Really?!? If that is the case then the "hunters" shouldn't have so many dogs to begin with if they cannot afford to house them properly. Are you hunters or animal hoarders?

Another organization to "jump on the bandwagon" of being against the ordinance is the National Animal Interest Alliance - an organization that represents animal breeders as well as owners and their animals. This organization was very unhappy with the unanimous passage of the new ordinance stating that at times, tethering (on trolleys or runners) can be a humane way to allow dogs to roam in an un-fenced yard. They do support the outdoor cage size part of the ordinance.

So, the National Animal Interest Alliance claims the same thing as the hunt clubs - people will start abandoning pets because they cannot keep them tethered (unattended, all day) outside.

Seriously? Why can't the dog(s) stay in the house, in the air conditioning, while their owners are of gallivanting all day long? Why then even have a dog, if you are just planning on tying it up outside and never socializing with it?

I actually think it is a good ordinance; Miami-Dade County has had a similar one since 2009. If you are a responsible pet owner, you will most likely not be affected. This ordinance is for those people who don't look out for the welfare of their animals to begin with!

See what Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control has to say, courtesy of The Sun Sentinel:



  1. An interesting post Oz, it's not something that affects us here, I've never known of a dog being tethered all day here although it's not against the law as far as I know. I just don't understand how someone could do that, why have a dog at all, unless it's for security is it? We are the lucky ones aren't we with the Peeps we have and we feel very sorry for those of us who end up in the wrong hands. Dex & Lou x

  2. Dex and Lou: the ordinance also pertains to the well-being of guard dogs, since they may be left out without proper cages in the Florida heat!

    We are definitely lucky that our owners care enough to take proper care of us. I feel for the dogs left outside with improper shelters or tied up on a short lead. It is so easy to overheat here most of the year.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. that's good they passed that ordinance. I don't understand why people do this, what kind of life are they giving the dog....why even have dog to begin with? Dogs are meant to be human companions. yuki is inside 99% of the time...I don't think I could leave her outside all day in this summer heat.

  4. BRAVO FLORIDA! This should be the law EVERYWHERE. the Mama is always badgering at us to come in to the A/C, have a drink and cool off, she could NEVER EVER just leave us out there!

  5. You are very wise Oz. I would not like to be left tied up all day. Is not safe I fink. I dont fink we got them laws here yet tho...but I am safe cos our pawsons would never do that to us

  6. I have to wonder what "guard dogs" are guarding when they're left out. Barkly can hear a fly landing on our barn from inside the house. Vlad's a guard, Barkly's an alarm, but they're always with me since we live in an area that's just far enough outside of a large city for thieves to want to "hit." They can come in and be out before a sheriff's deputy can even think of getting here unless it's a magical moment, and they're actually patrolling your exact area at the exact time.

    Now why would I want to leave the dogs outside when it's me that I want to be safe!?! Why would anyone!?! In the kind of summer heat we have in the south & a lot of other areas, it zaps a dog of their energy, and they're liable to not feel like attacking anyone anyway--IF they don't die in it!!!

    I've just never understood a lot of people & never will. Really shouldn't have to make laws that are just common sense, but as they say, "You can't fix stupid--but you can legislate it." So KUDOS TO FLORIDA!!! Sorry for the rant.


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier