Thursday, August 26, 2010

The New Pet

Doug was lonely so he decided life would be more fun if he had a pet.  He went to the pet shop and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual companion.  After some discussion, he finally bought a centipede which came in a little white box as its house.

Doug took the box home, placed it in a good location and decided to start things off by taking his new pet to the pub for a drink.  He asked the centipede, "Would you like to go to the pub with me and have a beer?"

Silence.  There was no answer from his new pet in the box.

This bothered Doug but he waited a few minutes before asking again, "I said, how 'bout going to the pub and having a beer?"  But again, there was no answer.

Thinking over the situation, Doug decided to ask once more, this time putting his face right up against the small box and shouting, "Hey in there!!  Would you like to go to the pub and have a beer or what?!?"  Just then, a tiny little voice came from inside the box, "I said I heard you the first time!!!  I'm putting on my stupid shoes!!!!"


  1. lolololol I love this one!!

  2. Thanks Huntyr! I am glad it gave you a smile!

  3. Dis does be making me Roll On The Floor Barking A Lot.... ! Where da ya get 'em from Oscar?! It is also a girl fing wiv da shoes...... So I understands dat centipede.... Love AnnieB X

  4. Mom got it in a peemail. I barked out loud so much I had to share it!

    Yes, I imagine shoes are a girl thing. All that fashus and stuff that us boys don't care about. :)

  5. BOL.. I wonder if pet shops sell many centipedes. Hmmm and just imagine polishing all those shoes!! xx Teagan xx

  6. BOL, Teagan! I didn't even think about the polish. Imagine if you had that many paws and you had to wear shoes?!? Ugh!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier