
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Friends Come and Go

Today is World Pet Memorial Day, a day to remember all the friends who have filled out hearts with love and who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.

friends may come and go but they always leave pawprints on your heart

Friends may come and go but they always leave pawprints on your heart.

Though my buddy Bentley has only gone to St. Augustine, and not the Rainbow Bridge, he has already left so many pawprints on my heart. He was one of my bestest friends.

oz walks with lucky

And it seems that when one friend moves on, another one is waiting around the corner. The other day was the first day that Lucky and I were able to walk together without him being so skittish. We didn't go far together but we still were together.

Happy Black and White Sunday.


  1. having a buddy to walk and play with is always so much fun

  2. Thanks for the memorial. I've had too many friends lose their loved ones lately.

  3. That's so true Oz, I sooooooo agree. And I hope you will find a friend in Lucky :o)
    btw: my mom made bad eggs-periences with a Lucky, this guy tried to eat her ans started with her ankle. Lucky was a giant monster-doggy, as big as chihuahua's are :o)

  4. Remembering Kyla and Kenzie.

  5. This is so sweet. I am sorry that your best bud had to move. Maybe Lucky can help fill some of the void. ♥

  6. Love your graphic Oz! We know how hard that has to be for you. When you see someone (or a woofie) nearly every day for your whole life, it's hard when they leave (((hugs)))))

  7. I love this post and quote, because it's so true. We're never the same after those pawprints are part of and left on our heart. I think that our life's journey is truly so much easier and better with a friend along, isn't it?

  8. Yes, so very true, they may have moved on, but that are always so close:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  9. So many of our friends have moved on...mostly to the Bridge, but we think of them often.

  10. You will miss him, but maybe you will find a new friend?

  11. You are right about friends leaving footprints on our hearts! I'm glad that Lucky got to go for a short walk with you.

  12. We are glad that it looks like you will have a new friend to help to fill the void left by your old friend leaving, Oz.
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. That's beautiful, Oz. We are sorry that Bentley and his family are moving. Good friends are so hard to find, and I know you'll both miss your walks together. Hugs.

  14. A wonderful Mememorial post


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier