
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Takin' Care of Some Business

Woofs! I was caught red-pawed the other evening taking care of some business.

Oz out taking care of business trying to find the person who doesn't scoop the poop

Hey...not that kind of business! I was out patrolling the neighborhood. All was quiet but it seems we have another pooper non-scooper in the area. It drives us crazy that people cannot, or will not, scoop the poop. I am going to have to break out my Scoop That Poop signs once again.

Have a great Wednesday everybody!


  1. We didn't see your Scoop that Poop signs before. What a great idea! It really upsets humans (especially humans without dogs) when inconsiderate humans don't scoop. We have a neighbor who flings poop into the bushes instead of picking it up. Can you do poop patrol here and clean up our neighborhood, too, Oz?

  2. Around here folks are pretty good, but yesterday, there was a huge pile, right in the middle of the walkway. Very unusual and unpleasant!

  3. Hope you will find that poop-erator... or maybe Nemesis has a heart and the poop-erator steps in it's own poopy-trap , ha!

  4. Take the perp's fire hydrant away. That ought to fix him.

  5. It's time for a public shaming.

    Aroo to you,

  6. Shame on them!!! We run into the same problem in our neighborhood. It is just as bad when they let the dog poop right on the sidewalk - no manners at all!!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Ciara

  7. That is the best place to get to local news!!! :)

  8. Good for you OZ!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  9. You and me both Oz! Love Dolly

  10. We agree with you on that!!!

  11. So annoying! Lots of that round here too :(

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  12. I was thinking earlier today on our walk in the park that I wish I had some little signs to stick where others did not Scoop their Poop! It drives me crazy.

  13. We're experiencing the same epidemic in our neighborhood. I'm on the serious look-out each and every morning.

  14. That is a BIG pet peeve of us too. Around the neighborhood, in the parks and even on the beach...some humans are so very thoughtless sometimes!!!!
    Concerned Smileys!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  15. We're with you! Sometimes we run on the SPORTING fields and peeps haven't SCOOPED. Drives HER nuts!

    We haven't got fire hydrants in OZ.

  16. I'm the crazy lady that runs after people that do not comply. I don't want to pick up your crap and i will let you know. I carry extra bags with me in case I run into the bad guys.

  17. I need to put some up too! We have a tiny dog that lives across the hall, their owner seems to think that because the dog's poop is tiny, they don't have to pick it up!!! We end up picking up THEIR poop!!! DakotasDen

  18. No pooper scoopers drive our peeps crazy too! Our mommy always scooped our sisfur Sadie's poop and everyone in a five mile radius knew it because they could hear her gagging!

  19. We hate it when humans don't scoop the poop. So disrespectful and irresponsible. :(

  20. What's up with that? They become the neighborhood scoop if they DON'T scoop the poop!

  21. What's up with that? They become the neighborhood scoop if they DON'T scoop the poop!

  22. I do not understand what is so hard about it.

  23. Ugh I'll never understand people who don't clean up after their dog. I also don't understand the ones who bag the poop and then place the bag next to the sidewalk or street, like somehow that makes it okay to leave the poop there. I see that all the time and it makes no sense to me - the bagging's the gross part, right? Why not go all the way and put it in the trash?


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier