
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sun & Bug Blocker is a Bit of a Shocker

My friends, this is what the delivery man brings to your doorstep after your dog mom goes to Global Pet Expo. You can imagine my shock when she removed it from the packaging. I feel like an Oompa Loompa.

oz in hurtta sun & bug blocker suit for dogs

It is not a costume though. It is the Sun & Bug Blocker from our friends at Hurtta. It is a one-piece suit made from a special material that protects a dog from the harmful UV rays of the sun as well as annoying pests like fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

I have been informed that I will be testing the Sun & Bug Blocker suit for dogs soon. It is then that we will be doing a full post to tell you all about it. Just so you all owe me big time for this!

Happy Wordless Wednesday!


  1. Looks a bit like da GhostBusters outfit to me, MOL!

  2. Well, that are an interesting outfit fur it hot in there Oz?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. you look like you are about to head off into space - Cape Canaveral here you come :)

  4. It does kind of look like an Astronaut suit!! BOL! We can understand your concern!

  5. It does have a space suit or a clean suit for lab look.

  6. oh maybe that suit is good for a trip to mars or to moon? you could find out if the moon is really made of cheese :o)

  7. I'd rather be seen wearing a cone.

  8. BOL! Oh my, I hope you are getting compensated with many, many treats! Good luck!!

  9. BOL! Oh man. I'm sorry, friend.

  10. As much as I want to laugh, and as much as I hate - no, despise clothes - I can't help but wonder if that would have protected me from getting this melanoma...

    1. Oh gosh, possibly could have prevented the melanoma though I am not completely sure as I have not done much research on the fabric yet.

  11. It looks like a hazmat uniform. Oz, sometimes you have to take one for the team. Thanks pal.

    Aroo to you,

  12. hhhmmmm - is it hot to wear???
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  13. Well dang..........we have no words. stella rose

  14. You look pretty awesome in that suit, Oz. Is it hot??

  15. AnonymousMay 18, 2016

    Hahaha, I'm so sorry little fella! This too will pass :D !! Love

  16. Is that gonna be so warm you'll be sweating under your armpits?

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. Looks a bit like a HAZMAT suit! We wouldn't be able to move in that. That may be something to wear in a jungle or swamp area.

  18. You kind of remind me of a Ghostbuster! I'm curious to see how you like it.

  19. Oh my Oz...we hope you get paid very well for this review!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  20. Oh, Oz.... I'm sorry - but I can't help but giggle at the look on your face in that. You look like an astronaut. :)

  21. You don't look too thrilled, Oz. I gotta say, I wouldn't be, either! Isn't it hot in that thing?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
    PS: We got our DVDs today! Thank you so much!

  22. OMD OMD OZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz you and Ernie and I could all sport our ROBES and your Sun and Don't Bug Me suit... and go on a joint adventure... You look cool drool.

  23. I've never heard of this before, can't wait to learn more.

  24. Maybe it's really a super hero suit ;)

  25. A sun AND bug blocker! We need one for Walter as even little biting bugs -- freak him out and he runs in the laundry room ;)

  26. That looks like it would be very hot and humid, Oz.

  27. Poor you. Hope you don't get too hot in it!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  28. You look like you are in a haz mat suit! Good luck in there! Is it hot? I would think it would be too warm to wear.

  29. Oz, you're the cutest Oompa Loompa I've ever seen! We really could have used a suit like this for Haley when we spent a couple of days on the remote Portsmouth Island off of Cape Hatteras. She was pretty miserable at night with the bugs and the sun was intense during the day.

  30. Oh, I was just looking at this on Hurtta's website! You like kinda cute, Oz. We look forward to your review because like Emma, I wondered about it being very hot in there.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  31. You don't look like an oompa loompa, Oz! Oompa loompas are way less cute than you. It sure seems like a good idea, and we're looking forward to your review!

  32. Bwaahahaha! My mom knew better than to bring that thing home for me! But, it does serve a very important purpose and where you live it can be a great way to protect you on your camping trips. I don't think this is where mom shows Rhette the cat bag though... Love Dolly

  33. Oh, that made me chuckle. So much floof! So little space! Hope it works, though!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  34. What a HUGE responsibility! Just think, what you say about this suit will affect dogs everywhere and in more ways than one. All I can say is Good Luck! (Wink, Wink) :)


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier