
Friday, February 5, 2016

Making Plans for a Valentine's Weekend Adventure

We are making some fun adventure plans for Valentine's Day weekend and I have offered to be a research assistant.

Oz the Terrier planning a Valentine's adventure using Ruff Guide to the United States by

Daddy-dog gave Ma and I this book for Christmas.  It is Ruff Guide to the United States by  In it, you will find adventures in all 50 States; 365 to be exact!  One for every day of the year.

I will say the chapter for Florida is a bit short compared to some other States' chapters, and it misses some of the best dog-friendly adventures I have found on my own, but it is still a great resource book especially if you and your family are the road tripping type.  I am confident I have found the perfect adventure for Valentine's Day weekend.

You can get your own copy of Ruff Guide to the United States on Amazon in either hardcover or Kindle.

Oz the Terrier is proud to announce our new blog sponsor, Sleepypod.  As many of you know, I wear the Sleepypod ClickIt Sport harness on all my dog-friendly car adventures to keep me safe.  Along with good friend, Sugar the Golden Retriever, we will be providing pet parents with more information about Sleepypod products throughout 2016 and we will even be hosting a giveaway and a contest later in the year.  Oz the Terrier is proud to be a spokesdog for Sleepypod, a product we believe in and utilize on all our adventures.

Do you have any special plans for Valentine's Day?


  1. Looks like you've got a huge choice of places to go. Maybe you can work your way through the book.

  2. I'm just hopin for some pressies!

  3. wow a guide for an adventure efurry day... that's written by Indiana Jones I bet :o) I can't wait to hear more when you are back from your furst tour :o)

  4. ADVENTURES!!!! Oh I luffs me a good adventure, can't wait to see what you get up to. That book looks just the thingy fur planning all sort of adventures
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. a whole book of adventures - sounds like a pawsome book.

  6. What a great gift idea! Adventures are so fun especially when the pups get to come along!

  7. Iz there anything in that big book'bout advenchurez in Kansas? Kansas iz where we Beaglebratz live an'the OP Pack live in Kansas tue butt not by us an'the Army of 4 live the other way frum us - they go walkin'alot an'haf a few advenchurez. We need tue haf more advenchurez tue.
    Lord Shiloh'n Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor

  8. We have VERY special plans for Valentine's Day, the same every year. My Boy and Auntie Jess come over (sometimes some other people), the humans have chocolate and Chinese food while the pups get treats, and we all watch classic horror movies! We can't go anywhere because Momma's training workshops for her Renny-sauce festival start that weekend, so we just hang out at Auntie's until it's time to go home and watch our movies.

  9. Good ideas. We love adventures
    Lily & Edward

  10. Cool book! Wonder what it says about Idaho adventures?
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  11. That looks like a good book if you travel with pets. I may have to look into it!

  12. Hi Oz...yes indeedy we do have Valentine's Day plans.
    First it is my peeps 46th wedding anniversary, They will go out for a nice supper.
    Second my guy Raz and I are pawticipating in the Crabby Girls and FnE's Valentine's Day paw-rade! And we have surprise visitors with us.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. Congrats on your new sponsor!
    Hey, in your new book, does the chapter on Kansas cover the Kansas Ocean? It should; that place is great fun.
    No plans yet for Valentine's Day. We're kind of leaving that up to Dad.
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  14. I'd imagine the list for my state is tiny! Congratulations on being a Sleepypod ambassador! I've read great things about their products. ☺

  15. I saw Mom hide a Valentine stuffed animal n the top of the closet. Paws crossed - I think we will be playing and cuddling on Valentine's Day!

    Love and licks,

  16. Mom said that she has a book with just Florida adventures, but Sidney cries in the car and a 5 minute trip is more than enough adventure for her.

  17. What a cool book, I bet your adventure will be a good one.

  18. That certainly looks like a good book. We will check it out.

    Critter Alley

  19. Bet you will find a good adventure.

  20. That sounds like a really interesting book!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier