
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

5 Reasons to Walk Your Dog

A walked dog is a happy dog.
-- Oz the Terrier

Oz the Terrier 5 Reasons to Walk Your Dog #WalkYourPetMonth

Dogs need to walk and not only to do our business.  We need consistent walks to keep us happy and healthy.  Since it is Walk Your Pet Month, I thought I would share my top five reasons for walking your dog.

5 Reasons to Walk Your Dog

1)  Physical Health.  Regular walks keep your dog fit and trim by building and maintaining strong muscles, lubricating joints and keeping weight within the proper limits.

2)  Mental Health.  A dog on a walk is using his mind to gather all kinds of information from sights, sounds and smells.  This variety of mental stimulation helps keep your dog’s mind keen and can even help minimize destructive behaviors in the home.

3)  Socialization.  Well-timed walks can provide your dog with practice sessions in socializing with other dogs, people and situations (as determined by what your dog can handle without undue stress). 

4)  Training & Bonding.  Regular walks offer a great opportunity for you and your dog to spend quality time together and build on your bond.  Walks are also a great opportunity to review known commands with your dog as well as teaching him/her some new ones.

5)  Your Health & Wellness.  When you walk regularly, you are getting needed physical exercise that will help you maintain your health and wellbeing.  Walking is great for building muscle, strengthening bones, reducing weight as well as managing conditions like heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure) and Type II Diabetes (adult-onset Diabetes).

Now, get on out there and Walk Your Dog!

What other reasons do you have to walk your dog?


  1. Even though I can't really walk right now, I's still going for walks in my stroller - momma can tell I are gettin mental stimulayshuns cuz of how alert I look at everything.

  2. yes, let's go! my granny said to walk with a dog is a good whitewasher to sniff around in the neighborhood... no one will ask what you are doing there... you just walk your dog LOL

  3. Excluding socialization as we live in the middle of no where, those are the reasons we walk. We didn't get too far this morning because it was about -4 F, but we were out for about 15 minutes.

  4. The peeps say the ONE reason they haf fur walkies is that if they don't they haf to put up wiv a CRAZY pup in the evening (I haf no idea what they mean) Butts, I do not like wet walkies so theys having lots of crazy pups to deal wiv!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding Oz you at the other end of the line? Oz why or why do the make January Walk Your Dog Month? Why in Nati City January usually means Slip slidin' away Slip slidin' away You know the nearer your destination The more you're slip slidin' away. With our snow and ice why I am lucky if I am not slip slidin when I squat to do my business. I vote May as the month for Walk Your Dog!
    Good advice about walking though.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. Oh my gosh Oz what a timely post. Mom walks our neighbor Dog Kasi when his peeps have weird hours. Her human siblings went back to college on Sunday...they were walking her. So yesterday was mom's first walk with her in nearly a month. Before mom even got the key in the door knob Kasi was at the door dancing and play bowing and making the cutest happy squeaks. She was so happy happy to mom and they had a great walk. Her mom said she was sure Kasi was missing all the excitement in the house with the young folks gone.
    hugs madi your bfff

  7. we are copying this off and posting it all over our house, mom thinks dad should walk us cos he has much more time now. He does not agree.
    stella rose

  8. Jessie and I go on walkies with Momma twice a day -- mornings and evenings! We wouldn't miss our walkies. If it's rainy or cold, we just put on our raincoats or jackets and head out anyway!

  9. this is so true - we LOVE our walkies :)

  10. I'm excited to get our dogs out of the house again. We haven't been for a walk in a while, because the weather is so crappy, so we've stayed home. We have the luxury of living on 5 acres. But I know that the dogs are getting bored and want something new so I'm making a commitment to get them out of the house this weekend for an early morning walk. They'll love it.

    Thank you for this post - it's the push I needed to change up our routine.

  11. Those are five great reasons Oz! Catching up on neighborhood happenings (Mama says this is socialization)is very important for all of us, but especially Arty!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  12. those are Super reasons..... I guess that is how ERNIE fells about his STUFFIES... he likes to take them fur Walks you know...

  13. That's right! Good post for the non doggy walker
    Lily & Edward

  14. Cuz it is the right thing to do!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  15. We also like walks in different towns, because it helps us explore all the lovely state parks and hiking trails in our area!

  16. WEll hey - we kinda agree with Sweet William. It is too darn cold to do much walkin around here.
    I did get to go to training class last night and walk all around the big room. then I went home and did zoomies it the living room!
    Bailey & Hazel too

  17. Well, we just LOVE walks. We're so happy that there are GOOD REASONS for walks. Maybe we can even fit in some extras!

  18. Let's just say, Mom has to run and walk or there would be no blog. She gets almost all of her creative ideas while running and walking. It really gets her brain going. Mom is also unbearable to live with if she doesn't get her exercise, so it is the duty of us dogs to make sure she is kept well exercised.

  19. When Mom needed knee surgery, I learned to walk slowly with her and to watch out for the cane. Now that Mom has a brand new knee, she walks so fast, I can barely keep up. But yes, all 5 of your reasons are the reasons we walk.

    Love and licks,

  20. Those are all good reasons for us humans, too!

  21. Bravo, Ozzie - thanks for promoting walks!!! We love to go for walks with Mom - it is good for her and for us - win/win!!!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  22. You forgot it promotes reading as in..........peemail. BOL

    Aroo to you,

  23. Oh most definitely!
    My huskies would never forgive me if I didn't walk them!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  24. We love taking our walks. It is the most exciting part of the boys' day, unless we go to the pet store! LOL!

  25. Great reasons and you look happy!

  26. A tired dog is a well behaved dog is mom's mantra. Which she always reminds me of when I can't stop with the squeaky ball in the evenings because its been too cold for our walk! Love Dolly

  27. 5 great reasons Oz, now do you want to send some warm south weather our way so I can get out and walk the dogs, it's 2 here now. yuck!

  28. You look so happy, Oz, my friend! Walking is just plain old FUN AND AWESOME to do with the love of your life! (Your dog) :)


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier