
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Nip and Bones Owl Wool Dog Toy Product Review

Happy Thankful Thursday, my friends!

I am so grateful to my friend @BabyPatches from Nip and Bones for my new toy, a Owl Wool Dog Toy.  Baby Patches also sent me a Buffalo Paddywack Dog Chew, which I will review in another post since Ma hasn't given it to me yet (but I can tell already that is it going to be delicious)!

Thank you Baby Patches!

Now, back to my Owl Wool Dog Toy.  It is a handmade from 100% wool and guess what?!?  It is biodegradable and washable too.  I could not wait to play with it!

I cannot wait to get my paws on this toy!

The feel of the wool reminds me of a tennis ball, soft and scritchy all at the same time.  Since I love to tear the green fuzz off of every tennis ball I find, I needed to make sure my owl wool dog toy was terrier-tough.

Giving it the ole Terrier Test!

After the initial go-round, the owl wool dog toy seemed to be holding up to my terrier teethies just fine.  There were just a few little pulls in the wool.

I'm so excited over this toy!  I wouldn't give it back to Ma, not even to play fetch.  See if you can hear my teethies snapping with joy!

I don't know what it is about wool, but dog...I LOVE this toy!  Ma kept asking me to "bring it" and I thought, "not a chance lady!  Get your own wool dog toy!"  So, I ran away with it while Ma was 'distracted'.

Can you imagine what she found when she finally caught up with me?!  

Nothing to see here, lady.  Keep moving along.

I love this owl wool dog toy from Nip and Bones so much!  I give it 4 out of 4 dog bones!

Have you ever shopped at Nip and Bones before?  They have all kinds of products for cats and dogs!  And...did you know that you can create a WishList for all the great toys and products you want to buy?  How fun!

Thank you Baby Patches for my new Owl Wool Dog Toy!

And thank you to PepiSmartDog for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Review Disclaimer: I am an official Baby Patches Tester Team Member.  I did not receive any monetary compensation for this review. I was given a free product to review. The opinions in this review are my own and not influenced by any outsider. I receive no additional benefits for talking about the product or company.


  1. BOL BOL....Now that looks more like one of brudder Max's toys. His toys always ended up shredded!


    1. I don't usually shred toys but I cannot help myself with this wool! It is fabulous! BOL

  2. That's a super cute owl toy. We have a mouse one and the dogs love it!

    1. Oooh, a mouse one would be fun too!

  3. Is it the smell of the wool that you love so much, or the toy itself? Happy chewing!

    1. It's the wool...maybe the smell, but could be the feel of it. I keep rolling around with it. BOL

  4. I love wool toys too, Oz, except shredding them is more fun for me!

    1. Oh love to destroy toys and roll in mud?!? You are too much!

  5. We used to have a wool dog bone shaped toy. It didn't last long!

    1. Oh dear dawg...I hope my toy lasts for a good long while. *paws crossed*

  6. Yep we have shopped at Nip & Bones before and they have great things! Dakota reviewed a couple of their things.
    The owl is too cute!

    1. Nip and Bones has such fun stuff! I love this owl!

  7. LOL, Oz the evidence of destruction is hanging from your mouth pal. Enjoy your toy. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. It is?!? Really? Where? *looks upwards to feign innocence*

  8. OMC! MOL you too cute with your wool owl! I didn't thinks you could shred any of it cuz they seems so tough. What did your momma thinks? Is it still mostly intact? hehe

    Thanks for the pawsome review and I looks forward to your treat review! Purrrrrrrrrrrrs

    1. Baby Patches, the toy is really tough but you know us terriers, we can 'kill' anything! BOL It may be missing some floof now but it is still in one piece. Ma thinks it is super cute and pretty tough since it withstood my terrier takedown!

  9. That looks like a fun toy, Oz! We hope it keeps on standing up to those terrier teethies of yours. :)

  10. Hi Y'all!

    I can't believe you only got some wooly fuzz off of your owl toy!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Oh Hawk...I will get it all off eventually! BOL

  11. What a hoot - LOL! Hope you haven't totally destroyed him )

  12. Cute toy! I bet it smells like sheep! Mmmm. Sheep.

    We try to not encourage playing with wool things around here since me and my sis make special little woolie keepsakes! Don't want Rita stealing the little wool pups I've made! :)

  13. AnonymousJune 20, 2013

    That woolie owl is so cute! I have some woolie toys and I just love them :) I am really excited to hear what you thought about the chewie Nip & Bones sent you!

  14. Teehee looks like it won't be long before your Mom is getting you a new one. :)

  15. Whoops, I think it was your evil twin not you that pulled it apart a little. Looks like you enjoyed it very much. Great review!

  16. Maya loved her wool dog toy. But she started to tear it up so I had to throw it away. :( It lasted longer than the normal plush toys, though, so I can't complain. :)

  17. Very good review. You gave stuffie a haircut?
    Benny & Lily

  18. Oh Oz, that's exactly what I do to my fuzzy toys!!! Must be the 'terrier' in us!! BOL
    Great review! I'll go check them out!

  19. That little owl is so cute! And it looks like great fun getting all those wooly bits and pieces off. Have fun Oz!

  20. Hee hee hee! That last picture of you looks like so many moments with Kuster! We've never tried wool toys, but you make us want to!


  21. Pawsome testin my is da only fur we trust to test stuff....

  22. That owl is so cute. Love the colors! Great review - I'll check them out.

  23. Nice work Oz...You showed that owl who's the boss...Looks like you've got a new favorite toy there ... Tell your Mom that I love the photos of you today...some of the best I've seen of look very handsome

  24. That was a cute owl Oz..I would of knocked the stuffing out of in 30 seconds, so at least he had a bit of a life with you Bawahhwawwwaaa XXOOXX

    Mollie and Alfie

  25. Haha can definitely tell you like your new owl buddy!

    1. Pawsome! Looks like you love that owl! You tore a few bits off, but it still looks in great shape to keep playing with. High Paw! It isn't even noticeable except that you were caught red-handed, (um... fuzzy toothed?) BOL!


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier