Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's Missing?

Can you tell what is missing in this photo?  (And no, the answer is not "one devilishly handsome Cairn terrier named Oz"...BOL.)

If you look closely, you will see that one thing that is missing in the lake is quite a bit of water!  The water is usually up to the grass line.  

This is the lake at the end of our's one of several Conservation Areas in my neighborhood but its main purpose is for water retention from rain and ground water runoff. Since we haven't had enough rain, the level of the lake has dropped to its lowest in years.

Actually, where I live, rainfall is down 15 inches from previous years. It is currently our 'dry season' but that has never stopped us from getting some rain; however this year, even when it rains it doesn't bring enough water.

'Not enough water' leads us to the second 'What's Missing?' from this photo. Water fowl. My lake always has plenty of ducks, egrets (like in this previous post), and herons...even a Great Blue Heron! They all come to feed on either the plants or fish in the lake and now, none of them are around. I assume they have moved on to 'greener pastures' somewhere in Florida.

It makes me sad that all those great anipals have moved away, at least for now. Without them, my walks have become quite boring as there is nothing for me to bark at or attempt to chase. And it makes me MAD that people in our neighborhood continue to water their lawns every day (even though we have been on water restriction for months) because the water for their sprinklers is reclaimed from the lake!

I have my paws crossed that when 'rainy season' comes in May it brings lots of rain. This way all the great water fowl will be able to come back and enjoy my lake (and put the spring back in my step during walk time)!



  1. My mom said she'd be happy to send you some of our rain! It makes me not want to do my business.

  2. Well, I won't go out in the rain either but I am willing to sacrifice if it brings back some of the anipals that have gone missing. *wags tail*

  3. THat is a bit ad isnt it Oz. I do ope you get your birdie friends back soon....and some rains of course

  4. wooo thats real sad, hope your anipals come back soon and that you get some rain to re fill the lake and make your walk more fun again.

    What is it with humans and watering their grass, ITS grass, it wont kill you to have no grass, unlike water. Durrrs

  5. Khumbu, RE: the grass:
    I completely agree! Who cares if your grass is super green when we are in a drought?!? Some people don't use the brains that God gave them!

  6. I hope your friends can come back soon!

    The picture would have been better with a little bit of Cairn.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  7. Aw, shucks Oskar. You're such a pal for saying that! Hopefully, we will get some decent rain soon...

  8. We sure hope the water levels rise, and your anipals come back soon...


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a pawprint. I enjoy reading each and every one!
Cairn cuddles,
Oz the Terrier